Saturday, 5 September 2015

A Cow's opinion.. It's Moo!!

Hello World,

It has been a long time since I took a sabbatical from writing, seven months, to be precise. I didn't have any personal issues to scrutinize nor did I took a hiatus in hope of finding the secret of my existence; I was simply not motivated enough to write. I had the topics, I had the inspirations, but I didn't  have the will to write. But, I am back now and I am back with enough will to write about a topic which nobody cares and which nobody asked for me to write. So basically, I will be talking to myself on my blog post.

What brings me back to my blog; apart from unemployment; is the promulgating institution of writers, whom I like to call 'search engine optimizers' (oh yes, I graduated while I was away, I am an Engineer now!)  who have taken over the internet (and by internet, I mean my social media timelines) by storm. If you don't know who I am talking about, you must have come across a post on your social media account which starts like this, "13 things you didn't know..." or "30 ways to make you cool..", does that ring any bells? If not, Sir/Madam, you are living an amazing life, I admire you.

This benevolent group of people is so pure and so pious that they make a really nice guy like me, look like a villain who wants to see the world burn just because I cannot stand unsolicited deliberations. Now, I don't really care about being a Superman, I am fine with being a bad guy, but I am NOT OKAY with the 30 things that are ruining my social media experience. You would say that I have to just unfollow the pages and the handles that are posting such content, but this thing is spreading like plague and it just doesn't stop there, it extends to plagiarism, so unfollowing doesn't work. The only thing that keeps me hopeful and alive is the fact that we found a way to cure plague.

They call themselves writers and all they do is make your already miserable life, despicable, by telling you 17 kick-ass professions(oh by the way, you are somehow fit for all of them) that are perfect for you when you sit at home with a degree in your hand and open in the adjacent tab. Writers are supposed to help you live a million lives, they aren't supposed to make you hate yours. Imagine, J. K. Rowling, posting some random pictures from some shitty bollywood movies and telling the world that she is an excellent writer because she wrote a seven point blog post titled, "7 things an orphaned child did before he died" and explained each book in four lines; imagine the chaos!

All I ask for is my timeline to keep me updated, to keep me informed. And no, by informed I don't want to know how my sex life pans out to be based on my Sun-sign, no matter how good that is but no thanks. Instead, I would love to read something nice that would be useful for me. It has been days since I have read a really thought-provoking article on my timeline. The thing about people like me is that we like to read, occasionally, so we are not the type that carries a book with themselves but we depend on social media for are everyday reading activity. And these guys, these search engine optimizers, they have taken over my source of literature for the sake of a few hits on their websites. I am a patient man and I have waited for things to change, but I can't see that happening anytime soon, so here I am, sharing my grievances.

To be honest, I know opinions doesn't matter anymore and mine's a moo point but I'm gonna share it anyway, to be at peace with myself. So while Shakespeare's enjoying every bit of it, performing in his stand-up comedy shows in heaven making fun of our generation 'writers', here I am, asking for some sanity and a few articles worth reading.

- A social media addict.