Thursday, 20 February 2014

Letter to the Facebook CEO!

Hello Mark,

  First up, congratulations on the latest deal with Whatsapp Inc. Owning something which the world is crazy for is just as incredible as anything in this world. And when you buy it for a whopping 19 billion dollars makes a statement. Some people may say that you are crazy. But then, every unique person that breathed on the face of this planet was crazy. I just can't wait to see what you will do with Whatsapp. I know you won't disappoint, you never have and never will.

   The other day, I was surfing on the internet when I came across a news that mentioned your work in the field of philanthropy. You have donated about $900 billion of Facebook shares for some noble cause. That is amazing. I personally love people who do such wonderful gestures for the betterment of the society and make this world a better place. Hats off to you!

  With that being said, I want you to start focussing in the field of education. And by that, I don't mean that you fund a university or start some internship programme. No. I mean, it's time that Facebook starts it's very own university. Most probably the one which runs over the internet. With you being the ayatollah of innovation,  it is beyond my imagination what kind of a system you'll develop.

  Not everyone in this world can afford to drop out of school and create! It is an impossible task for some people. The quality of education at Harvard is a lot more different than what I and millions of students around the world get. It's important for someone like you to explore the field of  information technology and put it in a format that is easily accessible for those interested and they really will learn to create a software rather than documenting one.

  A web university is a stupendous task to implement,  but, for Mark Zuckerberg it is easier than learning Greek poetries! Graduating from Facebook University is what people will appreciate more than anything, won't they?

Your disciple!